Hi again.
Today I wanted to talk about something that has made a huge difference in my life during the last few years. This single understanding has - in fact - single handedly delivered every source of joy and success in my life.
I was thinking about this because I was recently read a book by Mike Dillard called Magnetic Sponsoring. This is an absolutely fantastic book written for the Network Marketing industry- but which transcends that field and relates to everything in life.
In the book he talks about how to make yourself "Magnetic" by having value to offer people, and by "Being" a leader 100%- or an "Alpha" as he calls it.
His philosophy is that by "Being" a leader who offers massive value to people- you will magnetically draw people to you like ants to a left over pizza crust.
He outlines how to do this from many different angels in the book, and I'd highly suggest you check it out. You can find it at:
http://www.treasuremapmarketing.com/ It also comes with some great videos as a bonus.
Anyway, this book reminded me of how important it is the "Be" something before you can "Have" what you want...
Let me explain: Most of us want things, right? We want to have the dream house, or the ideal mate... We want to have many friends, and have money to travel the world while driving funny looking, neon colored, exotic cars.
This is the "Have" in what is termed "Be, Do, Have..." and I first saw thing in Robert Kiyosaki's book
Rich Dad, Poor Dad.I think you'll agree that most of us focus on the things we want to "Have". The problem lies in the fact that the only way to "Have" these things, is to "Do" the proper things to get them. Right?
So, to "Have" lots of friends, you probably need to "Do" things like inviting them out, meeting new people, throwing get togethers, etc. Pretty simple stuff, isn't it?
But where most of us are left scratching our heads is that we think, "I can't throw a party... that's not me." or "Meeting new people is scarier than Don King's hair... I can't do that!"
This is where our limitations come in, and we listen to the preconcieved notions we have about who we can "BE".
These ideas about who we can "BE" is the root of all success or failure.
You see, who we are "Being" directly effects what we are "Doing"- and what we "Do" gives us the results of what we "Have". The paradox is that most of us focus on the "Haves", but never get them... Do you see why?
I'll give you a personal example. When I was young and single, I used to go out dancing at bars, clubs, dance studios, etc. I enjoy meeting people and the good music, but I also REALLY wanted to "Have" a girlfriend. So I'd meet girls, go out on dates, etc. - but could never find any that worked out.
After nearly 5 years of being single, I was fed up. I'd had enough, and I was going to focus on me "Being the Party" - which translates into "I'm going to have fun, NO MATTER WHAT!" That way at least I'd "Be" happy- even if I was still a lonesome single.
Guess what happened?
Yep... a line of girls started forming at the door and I had more attention that I know how to handle.
Now I don't say this to brag- because that's not what it's about at all. What I'm saying is that by me "Being" the greatest version of myself at all times... I started "Doing" the things (ie- being the life of the party) that allowed me to "Have" what I had always desired- a girlfriend.
So once I stared "Being" the right kind of person- the rest came together faster than goldfish at feeding time. It was all about ME... Just "Being" the person (my attitude of 'Have fun NO MATTER WHAT') who "Did" the things (Dancing, joking, meeting new people, smiling, etc) that allowed me to "Have" the people that I wanted to date.
Now, I've probably gone so far down this road that I'm in a different state- but it's made ALL of the difference in my life- So I believe it is ULTRA IMPORANT.
To summarize, when I focus on "Who I am bringing to the table" in every situation, and do my very best to be the "Greatest Version of Myself" then the rest just falls into place.
It's not always easy, but it's ALWAYS worked out for the best.
So, today's questions is: "Who are you bringing to the table?" Is it the best "YOU" or not?
Try it for 14 days and watch the difference it makes!
Feel free to let me know how it goes...
~ Derick Van Ness