Hi again. A lot has been going on lately, but today I was inspired by another blog that I read periodically, and I thought I'd share something that most people seem to misunderstand.
There's been a lot of talk about 'The Secret' or the Law of Attraction, or the Power of Positive Thinking, or Positive Imaging... but whatever you call it, there seems to be a big piece that most people are missing.
First of all, this has been a practice of human kind nearly since our inception, and certainly has been a HUGE part of organized religion. What am I talking about? Well most people know it as 'Praying'. Think about it... "Closing your eyes and visualizing something that you desire with great amounts of emotion behind your desires." It sounds an awful lot like all of those terms I listed above, but it also defines pray too, right?
Anyway, that isn't the point I wanted to make, but I also want people to realize that what I'm going to talk about next is important whether you belong to an organized religion, only believe in science, or are somewhere in the middle.
We've all been hearing that if you visualize what you want and create an intention behind your desires, then God or 'The Universe' will attract it to you for you to enjoy...
Well, that is absolutely true, but there is more to it than just visualizing. You see, if you stay at home and visualize all day long... you're in for a rude awakening.
The important part of using the Law of Attraction and Vibration is that you must 'Be' the very best version of yourself to truly attract the things that you want in your life. This means getting out and doing your part to create the most favorable conditions for your 'Visualizations' to come true.
If you don't, then you aren't doing your part of the equation, which is seizing the opportunity when it comes. For instance, if God or the Universe delivers your ideal lifetime partner right to your front door, you'd better be ready to invite them in... right? Or if the greatest business opportunity is presented to you, but you aren't educated enough to take advantage of it- who is to blame?
We all know that God and the Universe will deliver whatever you can imagine, but YOU MUST DO YOUR PART or your dreams will never come true.
So how do you do this? I'm going to let you ponder it for a day or two, and then I'll answer your question in my next entry...
Until then... ask yourself what you are 'Doing' and who you are 'Being' that will create the most favorable conditions for your desires to be fullfilled when the chance arises!
Until next time...
Derick Van Ness
1 comment:
Derick, I know exactly where this is going, and I am 100% on board. Some people think that this "Law Of Attraction" stuff is just a metaphysical way to magically poof things into existance. There is a big piece missing if that is all people go by. We need to be more intentional about filling the gap between visualization and manifestation. I'm not going to spill the beans here either - looking forward to your next post.
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