I thought I'd take on something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, and give you my thoughts...
It seems like a lot of people are really down in the dumps about life right now because most people's finances have tightend up in the last year or two. With gas skyrocketing to nearly double last year's price, the housing and lending markets moving like a sloth on a slow day, and the trickle down effect of everyone tightening their belts... It's easy to see how you can get down.
However, the truth is that just because the economy is in a down swing, doesn't mean that you need to be...
Happiness is purely a state of mind- and therefore a choice which YOU control!
I've battled my fair share of adversity in life, and have learned that facing your fears with a smile on is a lot easier than wearing a frown...
Now, that might find cheesy, but it's true.
Let's take an example...
How would you feel if your phone were to ring right now, and on the other end was the guy from Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. The happy fellow is calling to tell you that, although you didn't win $1,000,000- you did win a nice $25,000 check, and it should be arriving in about 2 weeks!
Wow! That would be great, wouldn't it? And how would you feel for the next 2 weeks?
Excited, elated, floating on 'Cloud 9'?
But why?
The check hasn't even arrived yet... But you're already happy aren't you?
So, it isn't the money that actually made you happy after all... It's that you CHOSE to be happy. There was no money in your bank account, but you told yourself that you should be happy, and you were...
Even if the check never showed up, you were still happy because you made the choice to enjoy being happy.
Plain and simple, happiness is a state of mind.
It is a choice that you make in each and every moment- and if you have to make the choice anyway- why not choose to have a little fun, laugh at your adversity, or be thankful for all of the incredible things that you DO have in your life.
If you can't think of things to be thankful for, begin with your health. You're still breathing, probably aren't in much pain, and can freely take a walk at the park... right? Then be glad, because your health is the greatest gift of all!
It's easy to take things for granted when we have them- like having air to breath- but if you're feeling down, begin acknowledging how much you truly have... it will change everything.
So this week, realize that you have the choice to be happy- no matter how bad things seem- and DO IT! You'll be glad you did...
ACTION ITEM: For the next week... when you get up in the morning, make the choice that today will be a great day, and that you'll be happy... No matter what!
You'll be amazed at how it changes EVERYTHING, because "We don't see the world how IT is, we see the world how WE are..."
~Derick Van Ness