As a first blog entry, I think it's important for me to set a few ground rules about this blog, why I'm doing this, and a few do's & don'ts.
First of all, I've finally broken down and let the maddening power of the internet get to me. I use the internet for so many areas of my life and (until now) haven't given back nearly as much as I have taken. That error is about to change.
You see, my life has been improved by many articles, blogs, advertisments, articles, references, etc. that I've read- so I want to be a part of helping others to succeed and find happiness.
I know that might sound a little hokie, but the truth is that I'm not exactly your ordinary cookie. I'm very 'normal' in a social sense, but as I grow and evolve, I've discovered that I'm becoming more of 'me' and less of what I 'percieved' the world wanted me to be...
Truth is, I've discoverd that the very bestest thing that I can be is 'ME' 100% and unabashedly- because it's what I do better than anyone else that's ever lived- and I've noticed that when I am completely 'ME' everything is better... you, me, us...
That said, I need to make a disclaimer here. I am going to promote things that I believe in, and recommend them without reservations. If it's made a positive difference in my life, you'll probably hear about it sooner or later.
Also, I want to encourage comments, questions, etc. but ask that they are done in a respectful way... I can agree to disagree, but am not in favor of random spewing of hatred, ignorace, or anything else that does nothing positive. Groovy?
So with that... let's head down this 'yellow brick road' of life and see if we can't pull back the curtain on a few of the mysteries that our adventurous journey has in store for us together.
Til next time...
~ Derick Van Ness
As a first blog entry, I think it's important for me to set a few ground rules about this blog, why I'm doing this, and a few do's & don'ts.
First of all, I've finally broken down and let the maddening power of the internet get to me. I use the internet for so many areas of my life and (until now) haven't given back nearly as much as I have taken. That error is about to change.
You see, my life has been improved by many articles, blogs, advertisments, articles, references, etc. that I've read- so I want to be a part of helping others to succeed and find happiness.
I know that might sound a little hokie, but the truth is that I'm not exactly your ordinary cookie. I'm very 'normal' in a social sense, but as I grow and evolve, I've discovered that I'm becoming more of 'me' and less of what I 'percieved' the world wanted me to be...
Truth is, I've discoverd that the very bestest thing that I can be is 'ME' 100% and unabashedly- because it's what I do better than anyone else that's ever lived- and I've noticed that when I am completely 'ME' everything is better... you, me, us...
That said, I need to make a disclaimer here. I am going to promote things that I believe in, and recommend them without reservations. If it's made a positive difference in my life, you'll probably hear about it sooner or later.
Also, I want to encourage comments, questions, etc. but ask that they are done in a respectful way... I can agree to disagree, but am not in favor of random spewing of hatred, ignorace, or anything else that does nothing positive. Groovy?
So with that... let's head down this 'yellow brick road' of life and see if we can't pull back the curtain on a few of the mysteries that our adventurous journey has in store for us together.
Til next time...
~ Derick Van Ness
hooray! what a stellar addition to the blogosphere!
Hey Derick, Nice outlook on Happiness. Thanks for sharing your insight. Bottom line is that people will love or hate us for who we are, but at the end of the day we are still what we are and that is what we need to be proud about as you stated.
In addition to the thought of happiness, one might use a little financial perspective on how happiness can be affected by the lack of planning that may impact more than one's self but others that depend upon them, so feel free to link to the following blog: http://plans4thefuture.blogspot.com/
I am confident that I can help at least 4 new people each week with a new perspective for a happier financial future.
I wish success to all.
Cheers Allen
Hi Derick
Sounds like you are accompishing one of those "goals" that we all have floating around. Appreciate your view on subjects in your blog...and gives me more insight to "who you are"
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