Friday, February 29, 2008

Decentralization Through Technology...

Tonight I wanted to briefly talk about what I see as one of the great turning points in the way that the world will develop.

Sure we've seen changes in the past, but this one is going to be HUGE! First we had the steam engine and the telephone, then the automobile, and now cell phones and the internet. Of course, unless you've been detained in some refugee camp or have been living in the stomach of a whale - Pinoccio Style- then you already know that technology has massively changed this little rock we live on.

What I'm seeing though, is a change in how and where people live in the near future. You see, most people live in large cities because of their job and ability to make a living right? Well, that is all about to change.

You see... because of my interest in Real Estate and in understanding how things develop over time, I've been looking at what MAY happen in the next 25 years. I look at things like the developement of Australia, and how Similar it looks to the develpment of the US about 100 years ago. Sydney would the the parallel to NYC with development streaming around the South end of the country- the way that the US develped through the great lakes region-- and way out west the little city of Perth is where Los Angeles would have been.

It's very interesting to look at pictures of LA and Orange County back in the 20's. Almost nothing existed! I've seen pictures of the peninsula that is now Newport Beach and there isn't a house to be seen... Pretty amazing, huh? Hmmm... maybe I should hurry and buy a bunch of beach front property on Australia's West Coast.

Anyway, this sort of thinking has made me realize that-- due to technology-- our country is soon going to see an influx of people moving to more remote or resort locations. Why, you ask? As I said before, most of us live where we do because of that invisible chain that ties us to our home away from home- AKA our ever endearing cubicle.

This invisible chain has existed for so long that most of us have stopped testing it, or in many unfortunate cases, have forgotten it even exists!

The good news is that our old friend the 'invisible chain' may actually disappear in the near future, and we probably won't even miss him! Yep, you heard me correctly. With the advancement in technology, we now have the means to do business right from home-- even if home happens to be 500 miles from the office. With cell phones and wireless broadband, it's no different than if you were working in the next room. (except for the water cooler banter and having to wear a dreaded tie every day).

Do you see what this opens up for those of us daring enough to 'Boldly go where no man has worked before'!? It allows us the freedom of working from our house- whether we live at the base of the Sierra Mountains or we've rented a cottage for the summer in Key West. It means no more traffic, smog, or unnecessary happy hour get togethers with the excitable group from Accounting.

It will mean aboslute freedom geographically!

This trend is already becoming prevalent with books such as The 4 Hour Work Week getting so much attention and leading the charge of this newly mobile or remote lifestyle.

So now comes the question... How will this trend work for you? Can you use it to live in a place or lifestyle that wouldn't have been possible just 15 years ago (when cell phones were either inside of briefcases, called 'bricks' or attached to a car).

The future is wide open and now is your chance to follow your calling...

Let me know what you want to do...

Where would you live? How would you work? What would you enjoy more of in your life?

Until next time... Cheers.
Derick Van Ness

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Be the Party"

Hi again.

Today I wanted to talk about something that has made a huge difference in my life during the last few years. This single understanding has - in fact - single handedly delivered every source of joy and success in my life.

I was thinking about this because I was recently read a book by Mike Dillard called Magnetic Sponsoring. This is an absolutely fantastic book written for the Network Marketing industry- but which transcends that field and relates to everything in life.

In the book he talks about how to make yourself "Magnetic" by having value to offer people, and by "Being" a leader 100%- or an "Alpha" as he calls it.

His philosophy is that by "Being" a leader who offers massive value to people- you will magnetically draw people to you like ants to a left over pizza crust.

He outlines how to do this from many different angels in the book, and I'd highly suggest you check it out. You can find it at: It also comes with some great videos as a bonus.

Anyway, this book reminded me of how important it is the "Be" something before you can "Have" what you want...

Let me explain: Most of us want things, right? We want to have the dream house, or the ideal mate... We want to have many friends, and have money to travel the world while driving funny looking, neon colored, exotic cars.

This is the "Have" in what is termed "Be, Do, Have..." and I first saw thing in Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

I think you'll agree that most of us focus on the things we want to "Have". The problem lies in the fact that the only way to "Have" these things, is to "Do" the proper things to get them. Right?

So, to "Have" lots of friends, you probably need to "Do" things like inviting them out, meeting new people, throwing get togethers, etc. Pretty simple stuff, isn't it?

But where most of us are left scratching our heads is that we think, "I can't throw a party... that's not me." or "Meeting new people is scarier than Don King's hair... I can't do that!"

This is where our limitations come in, and we listen to the preconcieved notions we have about who we can "BE".

These ideas about who we can "BE" is the root of all success or failure.

You see, who we are "Being" directly effects what we are "Doing"- and what we "Do" gives us the results of what we "Have". The paradox is that most of us focus on the "Haves", but never get them... Do you see why?

I'll give you a personal example. When I was young and single, I used to go out dancing at bars, clubs, dance studios, etc. I enjoy meeting people and the good music, but I also REALLY wanted to "Have" a girlfriend. So I'd meet girls, go out on dates, etc. - but could never find any that worked out.

After nearly 5 years of being single, I was fed up. I'd had enough, and I was going to focus on me "Being the Party" - which translates into "I'm going to have fun, NO MATTER WHAT!" That way at least I'd "Be" happy- even if I was still a lonesome single.

Guess what happened?

Yep... a line of girls started forming at the door and I had more attention that I know how to handle.

Now I don't say this to brag- because that's not what it's about at all. What I'm saying is that by me "Being" the greatest version of myself at all times... I started "Doing" the things (ie- being the life of the party) that allowed me to "Have" what I had always desired- a girlfriend.

So once I stared "Being" the right kind of person- the rest came together faster than goldfish at feeding time. It was all about ME... Just "Being" the person (my attitude of 'Have fun NO MATTER WHAT') who "Did" the things (Dancing, joking, meeting new people, smiling, etc) that allowed me to "Have" the people that I wanted to date.

Now, I've probably gone so far down this road that I'm in a different state- but it's made ALL of the difference in my life- So I believe it is ULTRA IMPORANT.

To summarize, when I focus on "Who I am bringing to the table" in every situation, and do my very best to be the "Greatest Version of Myself" then the rest just falls into place.

It's not always easy, but it's ALWAYS worked out for the best.

So, today's questions is: "Who are you bringing to the table?" Is it the best "YOU" or not?

Try it for 14 days and watch the difference it makes!

Feel free to let me know how it goes...
~ Derick Van Ness

Monday, February 25, 2008

Cadet Maxim

This is short and sweet, but something that I really enjoy:

Risk more than others think is safe,

Care more than others think is wise,

Dream more than others think is practical,

Expect more than others think is possible.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why Do People 'Get Old'?

I went out Salsa Dancing last Friday night to celebrate the Birthday of one of my best friends! Good stuff!

I used to be a 'Dancing Machine' and go out nearly nightly, but I got out of the habit a few years ago when I had a snowboarding run in with a big, tough snowmobile...

I don't recommend it to anyone!

Anyway, I was enjoying the dancing & socializing, and it got me thinking about why people 'Get Old'. I've been blessed enough to stumble into some great social and exercize habits that have perpetuated my youthful energy level and friendships... But what about the average person?

I say that I'm fortunate because according to Dan Sulivan - the creator of an amazing entreprenuerial program called The Strategic Coach- people get old for 3 reasons:

1) They run out of money or financial stability
2) Their friends & family either pass away or leave them alone
3) They have no future plans, goals, or anything to look forward to...

Dan calls this last reason 'Not having a future that is bigger than your past'.

So how does this relate to Salsa Dancing at Mama Juana's? Well, I've realized that something like social dancing fulfills at least 2 of the 3 reasons that people 'Get Old'.

First, I am constantly inspired to become a better dancer, and am always looking forward to my chance to grow and improve. This gives me hope (however slight) that one day I'll be a great dancer and that keeps me excited.

Secondly, I am constantly meeting new people or strengthening bonds of friendship that I have already created. It's like 'Speed Dating' to music, but without all of the awkward questions and indigestion.

I can't think of a better way to get some exercize and meet other social, energetic people. And you know what? Most of them are very successful people in all areas of their life.

You see, people who go out and enjoy life in one particular area, also have a tendancy to let that carry over into all areas of their life. Shocking, huh?

So the question today is-- do you have habits that are going to allow you to WANT to stay alive and enjoy life? Or are you going to turn into one of those 'Crazy Old Men' that is anti-social and can't wait to die?

I'm serious... Are you gonna turn into the fun loving, optimistic Big Bird-- or the cranky Oscar the Grouch?

If you're serious about living out your years on fun filled 'Sesame Street' as a lovable version of 'Big Bird' here are a couple of suggestions:

- Find at least 2 activities or organizations that excite you, and join them. They will be a source of great friendships, activities, and meaning for you throughout life.

- Think of at least one really big idea that you'd love to support/achieve before it's your turn to play a harp and don that golden halo... and start chasing that dream whenever you get the chance.

- Make sure that you take time for yourself. This means not aways doing ONLY what the kids, spouse, or others want. Take time to do the things that YOU love because someday the kids will grow up, and you may have some time to yourself. How would it be to get excited about that time rather than shaking in your boots?

So which is it gonna be? Big Bird or the smelly Oscar the Grouch? The choice is yours!

Think about it and leave me your thoughts or suggestions for living a longer, fuller life... I'd love to hear them.

~ Derick Van Ness

NOTE: To find out more about the Strategic Coach Program go to:

They have great learning tools ranging from simple books (which cost a few dollars) to year long programs that are more expensive. I highly recommend their materials.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Where Does Happiness Come From?

Happiness... it means a lot of things to a lot of people.

To some it's having a good job. To others, going on a date with that special someone... But where does happiness really come from?

I have given this a lot of thought during the many years of my life, and what I have come to discover is that happiness comes from a completely different place than I originally thought.

I think back through my childhood in good ole Sandy, Utah when happiness meant buying an ice cream cone at the gas station or riding my bike to go play Super Mario Brothers at the local grocery store.

Then as I grew, happiness meant having money to buy new cassette tapes, or going out on a date with the latest girl that made my tummy do somersaults. On other days it was watching sports with my Dad, or camping in the mountains and fishing some little beaver ponds...

Bottom line is that "Happiness" seemed to come from a lot of places. I didn't really give it much thought until my life stopped being so 'busy', and I had (way too much) time to really consider where happiness came from.

Truth be told, I was forced to figure it out because there came a point after college where I wasn't so happy. I'd moved away from College to 'Live the California Dream' in the SF Bay area during the .COM explosion. But instead of turning out like I had envisioned (Picture me living by the beach with my Mercedes, and owning a cutting edge .COM company) I found myself in a strange new place, with no friends, an old pickup truck, and no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

It was then that I began to learn where happiness truly comes from...

I found that all I really had was 'ME', and if I was going to be 'Happy' then it had to come from somewhere inside. Now that might sound a little idealistic, or like a bunch of 'Hair Brained Non-Sense'; but I've found it to be true over and over during the course of my life.

Simply put, Happiness is a choice.

Each day we wake up and decide if we are going to be grateful for all of the incredible things that we DO have in our lives-- or we can be 'Grouchy Smurf' and look at how terrible things are, or focus on what we WISH we had in our lives.

Let me give you an example: Almost every one of us wishes that we had more money, right? Even the super-duper wealthy guy (you know the one), wishes he had more money. And nearly everyone has at least one person who loves them dearly-- it could be your Mom, Dad, Children, Spouse, etc. And most of us spend time being healthy for portions of our lives but also suffer some sort of major health issue along the journey, right?

The point to all of this is essentially that we are all in the same boat. We all have dreams, we all have fears, we all wish we were more like 'Joe Blow' or 'Jane Doe'. We are all the same... we just vary in degree.

So why are some people so happy and others feel that happiness is only something that happens in movies and fairy tales?

It's the choice you make inside...

Are you acknowleding the amazing life that you are able to live? Or are you focusing on all of the things that you (falsely) believe you need in order to be happy?

In the end, it's all up to you. Think about it and make your choice... It will make all the difference in how you see the world-- and the best part is that you control it-- 100%!
~ Derick Van Ness

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Are You Really Playing "Win - Win"?

I was thinking about this topic the other day as a friend of mine conveyed to me her disappoinment in the outcome of her dating situation. She was confiding in me that she was trying to play 'win - win' in order to have a happier, healthier relationship. She had the best of intentions, but things weren't turning out as she had hoped...

As we talked further it came as a shock to her that she was playing 'win - lose' in her relationship-- Correction, she was playing 'LOSE - win'. That means that she was letting the other person in her relationship get the 'win' but she was 'losing'.

Guess how that's working out?

I use this as an example because I see it all of the time-- in fact, I see it as one of the most common forms of delusion practiced in our highly delusional society.

Most of us are programed to see life a certain way. And although we hate to think of ourselves as these little 'robots' that run around predictably doing the same things over and over-- many of us are very close to that sort of consistancy... even if we are only consistent at being inconsistent.

For example, do you ever wonder how your significant other or best friend can finish your sentences? Or have you ever listened to yourself being interviewed? My experience has been that many of the answers, stories, or even jokes that come to mind are the same time after time. I kinda makes you wonder, right?

Well, that's a topic for another time, and what does picturing ourselves as little robots from some crazy Jetson's cartoon have to do with 'Win - Win'?

Well, I guess I'd better answer that before I've created a mutiny in only my 2nd blog...

So here it is... Playing 'Win - Win' and our perception of what that means, are already programmed into our smart little brains. This means that if you've thought you were playing 'Win - Win' but you've really been playing 'Lose - Win' or (the ever poplular version) 'Win - Lose' then you are doomed to repeat this process.

...Either that or you'll change once you've lost your self esteem, money, friendships, or anything else painful enough to make you re-evaluate your current state of 'playing with others'.

So how do you do this self examination? No, you don't need a microscope or one of those 'heart things' that your Dr. has around his neck...

You simply have to make a decision to stop running on auto pilot, and actually take the wheel of your drive through life. This means THINKING before you answer or act. This lost art of 'Thinkin' involves asking yourself- is this truly a 'Win' for me? Is this truly what the other person wants or what is best for them too? If the answer is 'No', then ask 'How can we make this the best of both worlds?'

I'll admit that this isn't easy, but it's much better than playing the victim the rest of your life. It's also reinforces the idea that YOUR feelings and needs are important too!

Yes, you heard me right. You matter! So keep that in mind, and stop fooling yourself into believing that giving others what THEY want- at YOUR expense- is a good thing.

It's NOT... because eventually you can't 'Give' any more, you can't even help yourself, and you've created people who are not pulling their own weight...

Think about it, be honest with yourself, and take the wheel!

~ Derick Van Ness

Monday, February 18, 2008

Intro and Context - Derick Van Ness


As a first blog entry, I think it's important for me to set a few ground rules about this blog, why I'm doing this, and a few do's & don'ts.

First of all, I've finally broken down and let the maddening power of the internet get to me. I use the internet for so many areas of my life and (until now) haven't given back nearly as much as I have taken. That error is about to change.

You see, my life has been improved by many articles, blogs, advertisments, articles, references, etc. that I've read- so I want to be a part of helping others to succeed and find happiness.

I know that might sound a little hokie, but the truth is that I'm not exactly your ordinary cookie. I'm very 'normal' in a social sense, but as I grow and evolve, I've discovered that I'm becoming more of 'me' and less of what I 'percieved' the world wanted me to be...

Truth is, I've discoverd that the very bestest thing that I can be is 'ME' 100% and unabashedly- because it's what I do better than anyone else that's ever lived- and I've noticed that when I am completely 'ME' everything is better... you, me, us...

That said, I need to make a disclaimer here. I am going to promote things that I believe in, and recommend them without reservations. If it's made a positive difference in my life, you'll probably hear about it sooner or later.

Also, I want to encourage comments, questions, etc. but ask that they are done in a respectful way... I can agree to disagree, but am not in favor of random spewing of hatred, ignorace, or anything else that does nothing positive. Groovy?

So with that... let's head down this 'yellow brick road' of life and see if we can't pull back the curtain on a few of the mysteries that our adventurous journey has in store for us together.

Til next time...
~ Derick Van Ness