Tonight I wanted to briefly talk about what I see as one of the great turning points in the way that the world will develop.
Sure we've seen changes in the past, but this one is going to be HUGE! First we had the steam engine and the telephone, then the automobile, and now cell phones and the internet. Of course, unless you've been detained in some refugee camp or have been living in the stomach of a whale - Pinoccio Style- then you already know that technology has massively changed this little rock we live on.
What I'm seeing though, is a change in how and where people live in the near future. You see, most people live in large cities because of their job and ability to make a living right? Well, that is all about to change.
You see... because of my interest in Real Estate and in understanding how things develop over time, I've been looking at what MAY happen in the next 25 years. I look at things like the developement of Australia, and how Similar it looks to the develpment of the US about 100 years ago. Sydney would the the parallel to NYC with development streaming around the South end of the country- the way that the US develped through the great lakes region-- and way out west the little city of Perth is where Los Angeles would have been.
It's very interesting to look at pictures of LA and Orange County back in the 20's. Almost nothing existed! I've seen pictures of the peninsula that is now Newport Beach and there isn't a house to be seen... Pretty amazing, huh? Hmmm... maybe I should hurry and buy a bunch of beach front property on Australia's West Coast.
Anyway, this sort of thinking has made me realize that-- due to technology-- our country is soon going to see an influx of people moving to more remote or resort locations. Why, you ask? As I said before, most of us live where we do because of that invisible chain that ties us to our home away from home- AKA our ever endearing cubicle.
This invisible chain has existed for so long that most of us have stopped testing it, or in many unfortunate cases, have forgotten it even exists!
The good news is that our old friend the 'invisible chain' may actually disappear in the near future, and we probably won't even miss him! Yep, you heard me correctly. With the advancement in technology, we now have the means to do business right from home-- even if home happens to be 500 miles from the office. With cell phones and wireless broadband, it's no different than if you were working in the next room. (except for the water cooler banter and having to wear a dreaded tie every day).
Do you see what this opens up for those of us daring enough to 'Boldly go where no man has worked before'!? It allows us the freedom of working from our house- whether we live at the base of the Sierra Mountains or we've rented a cottage for the summer in Key West. It means no more traffic, smog, or unnecessary happy hour get togethers with the excitable group from Accounting.
It will mean aboslute freedom geographically!
This trend is already becoming prevalent with books such as The 4 Hour Work Week getting so much attention and leading the charge of this newly mobile or remote lifestyle.
So now comes the question... How will this trend work for you? Can you use it to live in a place or lifestyle that wouldn't have been possible just 15 years ago (when cell phones were either inside of briefcases, called 'bricks' or attached to a car).
The future is wide open and now is your chance to follow your calling...
Let me know what you want to do...
Where would you live? How would you work? What would you enjoy more of in your life?
Until next time... Cheers.
Derick Van Ness