If you’re new to making money online then it’s very important that you learn internet marketing basics as quickly as possible. Understanding how things work and the fundamentals to creating profits with the internet isn’t rocket science, but doing it wrong can be frustrating and lead to wanting to bungee jump without a chord.
There are 3 key elements to internet marketing basics that will allow you to make money online as quickly as possible. Each of these will explode your level of profits exponentially, and learning all 3 is like a license to print money.
1) Getting targeted web traffic is your number one priority. Very simply put, no targeted visitors = no sales = no profits. There are dozens of ways to get people to your site, but it is important to find a consistent sources of web traffic to begin making money.
2) Your website must convert traffic into leads or sales. Many people put up a website just to say that they have a website – that is completely pointless. Would you buy a car if it didn’t run or purchase food that you couldn’t eat? The whole point of a website is to get you more customers and eventually create more profits. If your site doesn’t convert traffic into customers or online profits then you are leaving money on the table.
3) You must have an automated follow up system. Email is the most powerful, low cost marketing medium ever created and one of the most overlooked internet marketing basics. If done properly email follow up can increase your online business profits by 10 fold or more. So having a proper follow up system on your side is essential to maxing out your customers and your bottom line.
If you follow these 3 internet marketing basics, you will be on your way to creating a foundation for success. Each of them has many nuances which I discuss in other articles here on my blog. Each basic principle can create online profits, but when used in combination, these 3 elements will skyrocket your bank account and your fun!
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