Monday, January 26, 2009

Are You Confused While Making Financial Decisions?

As I've been talking with people about their financial situations lately, it has occurred to me that most people are their own worst enemy when it comes to finances.

When I say this I mean that most people are making decisions about their money, debt, and credit without being informed of all of their options- or even worse- making decisions based on MIS-information. The results of these decisions can be crippling to long term wealth and happiness.

For example, many people who have suffered wage cuts or job losses are getting into Loan Modifications or Debt Consolidation types of programs that they cannont afford. They are committing to payments that are still unmanagable because they believe it is the best option that they have available.

Because of this, when I work with clients, I spend the lion's share of my time helping them realize the mistakes that they have been making (without even knowing it) and then educating them on solutions that are maintainable for the long term. After all, does it do any good to get into a program that only prolongs your pain, or gives you minor relief when there are products and strategies that can permanently cure the problem?

So, now it's time to ask yourself, are you your own worst enemy financially?

If you aren't educated on your options for getting out of debt or how to lower your mortgage payments effectively, it's time to get help. If you have questions, ask them here... Or even go somewhere else, but be sure to get accurate information somewhere before making your debt and credit decisions!

For more info, visit for a free debt or credit evaluation and consultation.

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