Sunday, July 27, 2008

Are You Taking Action?

I just wanted to take a minute and talk about something that seems to be in the forefront of life right now for many people. I have noticed that a vast number of people have fallen upon hard times- whether through real estate & lending, due to gas prices, or something else- and I've seen a pattern forming.

Most people have been putting off the 'reality check' that is coming for them, and by the time that the "rubber meets the road", it may be too late to regroup without massive changes.

I'm talking about financially in many cases, but also the fact that job and financial stress can leak into your health, state of mind, and relationships (both business and personal).

Ask yourself this... If you continue with your current habits and lifestyle, will you be better off, or worse off, in 2 years?

What I'm getting at is that many people aren't taking the action needed to adapt to a world that is changing... (in fact, "change" is the only "constant" in our world- nothing ever stays the same)

So if this is you, the time for change is NOW while you still have options, time, and reserves on your side. Don't wait until the last minute and then wonder why you are stuck with a bad situation. If you are overspending and running up credit cards- STOP NOW. Cut unnecessary expenses and figure out how you can create a sustainable and improving situation.

If you are neglecting your health or relationships, begin investing in them again immediately. Too many people ruin their marriage or health in order to get money... and then later spend every dollar they have trying to gain their health back and rebuild loving relationships.

Money is essential, but is useless if you aren't in good health or have nobody to share it with...

So be honest with yourself and look at whether you are taking action that will make you better off in the future... Or are you trying to preserve a past that is already gone by not acting?

I'll end with a quote that I just ran across that summarizes it best:

“All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding action (it’s impossible), but in calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.”

-Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Friday, July 18, 2008

How to do YOUR part with the Law of Attraction...

Well, in my last post I offered the question of "How do you do your part to truly work in harmony with the Law of Attraction".

Did you come up with an answer?

If you did, I hope that you've posted it as a comment. If not, perhaps you can let me know after you've read my thoughts and see if we agree...

So as we discussed, YOU have a major role in activating the Law of Attraction, and it's a whole lot more than sitting around daydreaming about your future house by the beach and meeting the perfect 'Better Half'!

Many people have been discouraged recently because they feel like they have been visualizing, and 'feeling' abundant and hopeful- but nothing has happened yet.

This is type of reaction is very understandable, and is the whole reason that I'm writing this entry... It's because something is missing- and it's KILLING most people's dreams! The part that is missing is YOU figuring out how to do your part.

So let's get into the meat of it...

Each and every one of us only has NOW in which we can do our part. Dreaming about the future or worrying about the past isn't doing anything except taking you away from NOW- which is where all of your power takes place.

So ask yourself, "What am I doing RIGHT NOW to be create the most favorable conditions for my desires to come into existence?" Once you've done that, now ask yourself, "Who am I 'Being' while I'm working to create these favorable conditions?"

The second question is actually INFINITELY more important than the first one...

"Why?", you ask...

Let's take an example and see... Let's say that your desire is to have a better paying job so that you can make more money. So to reach this desire, what you begin doing is working harder and finishing more work- but you resent every minute of working harder and are 'Being' grouchy or feeling 'Entitled' to get a new promotion.

What do you think is going to happen? Is it possible that you are going to get promoted... sure. But is it LIKELY that you'll get a better job- VERY DOUBTFUL.

Now let's change up what you were 'Doing' and wh0 you were 'Being' in the above example, and see how it changes things.

So now what you 'Do' is not work any harder or smarter and basically accomplish the same results that you have in the past. But as you are doing these things, you do them in a state of complete happiness and joy that exudes from everything you touch, and in all of your interactions with coworkers and clients alike...

Now do you think that you have a good chance of getting that promotion? I would say a resounding 'YES' because of who you were 'Being' not what you were 'Doing'.

To put it another way, if you were the boss or a client, would you rather have someone that gets a little more done, but has a terrible attitude and brings you down. Or would you instead promote someone who works steadily, but brings joy into every interaction with both you and the clients?

I believe that 95% of us would choose the later, and the other 5% of you are either misers, or liars. :)

To take this a step further- In reality, it's nearly impossible for the person with the 'Bad Attitude' to out perform the person who exudes happines, joy, and Love in the long run... Even if they have more talent or skills.

This is simply because everyone loves to work with 'Joyful' people and would rather not work with 'Bad Attitudes'. How about you... would you rather help joyful people accomplish their dreams, or help people that bring you down or believe that you 'Owe' it to them? Most people would rather help the joyful person- so guess how much help they have working toward their dreams?

I hope this helps to clarify that who you are 'Being' is the most important part of you holding up your end of the bargain with the Law of Attraction. If you are 'Being' the highest and greatest version of yourself RIGHT NOW - In this moment- then you will absolutely be prepared when your desires are delivered to your doorstep.

So the question is, who are you 'Being' lately? How are you being with your family, friends, co-workers, clients, strangers on the street, and anyone you encounter? Are you bringing the best of yourself to the table? Or just doing the minimum required to squeek by and still be able to sleep at night?

In the end, it's all up to you... Do you want all that God & the Universe have to offer, or would you rather think up reasons why "It won't work for me..."

Become conscious of who you are 'Being' Right NOW, and the rest will take care of itself...

Derick Van Ness

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What People Don't Know About the Law of Attraction...

Hi again. A lot has been going on lately, but today I was inspired by another blog that I read periodically, and I thought I'd share something that most people seem to misunderstand.

There's been a lot of talk about 'The Secret' or the Law of Attraction, or the Power of Positive Thinking, or Positive Imaging... but whatever you call it, there seems to be a big piece that most people are missing.

First of all, this has been a practice of human kind nearly since our inception, and certainly has been a HUGE part of organized religion. What am I talking about? Well most people know it as 'Praying'. Think about it... "Closing your eyes and visualizing something that you desire with great amounts of emotion behind your desires." It sounds an awful lot like all of those terms I listed above, but it also defines pray too, right?

Anyway, that isn't the point I wanted to make, but I also want people to realize that what I'm going to talk about next is important whether you belong to an organized religion, only believe in science, or are somewhere in the middle.

We've all been hearing that if you visualize what you want and create an intention behind your desires, then God or 'The Universe' will attract it to you for you to enjoy...

Well, that is absolutely true, but there is more to it than just visualizing. You see, if you stay at home and visualize all day long... you're in for a rude awakening.

The important part of using the Law of Attraction and Vibration is that you must 'Be' the very best version of yourself to truly attract the things that you want in your life. This means getting out and doing your part to create the most favorable conditions for your 'Visualizations' to come true.

If you don't, then you aren't doing your part of the equation, which is seizing the opportunity when it comes. For instance, if God or the Universe delivers your ideal lifetime partner right to your front door, you'd better be ready to invite them in... right? Or if the greatest business opportunity is presented to you, but you aren't educated enough to take advantage of it- who is to blame?

We all know that God and the Universe will deliver whatever you can imagine, but YOU MUST DO YOUR PART or your dreams will never come true.

So how do you do this? I'm going to let you ponder it for a day or two, and then I'll answer your question in my next entry...

Until then... ask yourself what you are 'Doing' and who you are 'Being' that will create the most favorable conditions for your desires to be fullfilled when the chance arises!

Until next time...

Derick Van Ness

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Great Quote...

I thought this was excellent and worth posting because I'm a HUGE believer in always investing in your greatest asset: YOU.

A great man said once,

"Don’t wish things were easier,
wish you were better.

Don’t wish for less problems,
wish for more skills."

- Anonymous