I just wanted to take a minute and talk about something that seems to be in the forefront of life right now for many people. I have noticed that a vast number of people have fallen upon hard times- whether through real estate & lending, due to gas prices, or something else- and I've seen a pattern forming.
Most people have been putting off the 'reality check' that is coming for them, and by the time that the "rubber meets the road", it may be too late to regroup without massive changes.
I'm talking about financially in many cases, but also the fact that job and financial stress can leak into your health, state of mind, and relationships (both business and personal).
Ask yourself this... If you continue with your current habits and lifestyle, will you be better off, or worse off, in 2 years?
What I'm getting at is that many people aren't taking the action needed to adapt to a world that is changing... (in fact, "change" is the only "constant" in our world- nothing ever stays the same)
So if this is you, the time for change is NOW while you still have options, time, and reserves on your side. Don't wait until the last minute and then wonder why you are stuck with a bad situation. If you are overspending and running up credit cards- STOP NOW. Cut unnecessary expenses and figure out how you can create a sustainable and improving situation.
If you are neglecting your health or relationships, begin investing in them again immediately. Too many people ruin their marriage or health in order to get money... and then later spend every dollar they have trying to gain their health back and rebuild loving relationships.
Money is essential, but is useless if you aren't in good health or have nobody to share it with...
So be honest with yourself and look at whether you are taking action that will make you better off in the future... Or are you trying to preserve a past that is already gone by not acting?
I'll end with a quote that I just ran across that summarizes it best:
“All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding action (it’s impossible), but in calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.”
-Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
-Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince